And welcome to the journey. The Summer 2010 journey. I know that you're already supposed to be getting tattoos and sending me pictures of them or whatever it was that I said in the last one, I don't remember. Well I still want you to do that, BUTTTTTT I also think it would be cool if you happen to have any Lord of the Rings books if you could scan them and send me the pictures. That would be cool because I (and someone else I know) compulsively collect every copy of the LOTR we come across in every thrift-store. I certainly don't need any more copies, but that doesn't seem to matter. It's like I don't want them, but I don't want anyone else to have them. Also I feel like I'm saving them from being used as firewood or something, and giving them a home where someone cares about them. Like orphans. Tolkien's orphans. Annnnnnnnnnyway, I thought it would be neat to make a book that's nothing more than a collection of LOTR covers. Because LOTR covers are - if they are anything - diverse and numerous. They range from beautiful covers done by Alan Lee or Tolkien himself, to weird psychadelic landscapes and Aragorns with huge, white feathers coming out of his hat, like an even gayer Robin Hood.

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