Well it's 2 months into a new year and what exactly has earthVSsoup comics accomplished? Well what have
you accomplished? What makes
you so great?!
List of 2011 Accomplishments Thus Far:1.
We published one 14 page comic book already this year. (Proton Penguin #3: Escape from Kandy Korn Kastle - The "Lost" Issue)
We got a new inker/colorist who is willing to work for free!Besides those above two accomplishments - which are amazing! - I've also been thinking really hard about earthVSsoup's third comic title. Faithful readers will remember last year when I mentioned wanting to do a comic centered around Ted E. Bear and his rabbit friend trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Well the other night while I was doing some laps around my apartment complex I accidentally got some really great ideas. I still don't have much of a "plot" but who needs those, right? 99% of all zombie anythings don't have a "plot", so I'll be in good company. I also don't have any good ideas for a title at this point, so I'm open to any suggestions you might have.
AND finally, earthVSsoup comics would like to officially welcome the new inker/colorist, Greg Tsuneoka to the eVs family! His debut work will appear in the upcoming issue of Proton Penguin, which should hit the shelves soon, so be on the lookout.
ALSO if you're reading this and you're NOT in the fan club, now would be a good time to join. It's free and easy!(The American Way!) So if you want to join-up just send an email to earthvssoup@gmail.com